A mai nap:
- egy kis bemelegítés
- 1 x 5 egykezes fekvőtámasz ( terpeszben), mind két kéz
- 1 x 20 emelőkaros fekvőtámasz , mind két kéz
- 2 x 14 fél nyújtott lábemelés
- felemás függeszkedés 1 perc
Today morning - I usually train in the morning hours - I was looking forward to jump at the ecercises. Today was the first attempt with the one-arm push-up.When you do a normal pus-up, you have to keep your legs closed.You have to follow that way at the one-arm push-up too. I warmed upand tried it. The aim was 1 x 5 reps. I couldn't do it. You have to be very strong todo this exercise in a perfect way. But I didn't give up. I thought that I would keep my legs in a stradding position and if I can do this way I will keep my leg closer and closer training by training.So I tried it again and I did it :-). Tell the truth it wouldn't be a nice sight, but I did it .I have to be stronger so after this I made 20 lifting-arm push-ups with each hands. in the second part of the training I did 2 x 14 leg-lift. At the end as a grip strenghten I did odd hang with a towel. This morning was very tiring for me.After half an hour resting I could eat my breakfast. I put all my strengh into it. For the OAPSP I need reminding exercises.It's a very good " invention". If one of the exercises is too hard, during the day I do one or two reps, and on a real training the hard exercise will be easier. That's simple. I recommend it for everybody.
- little warm up
- 1 x 5 OAPSP ( opened legs)
- 1 x 20 lifting-arm PSP
- 2 x 14 LL
- odd hang with towel 60s
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