Hétfőn a végére értem a felemás húzódzkodásnak, sikerült a 2 x 9 ismétlés. Viszonylag könnyen ment így most tovább léphetek a fél egykezes húzódzkodásra. Kiváncsian várom :-)
On Monday I finished the uneven PUP exercise, because I reached the 2 x 9 reps. It was quite easy, so I can go forward. The next exercise is the half one arm pull up. I wait it curious :-)
It is extremely difficult going from uneven pullup to half-one arm. In fact I would be surprised if someone can even do one rep. I suggest archer pullups and using a towel.
VálaszTörlésHi Neil,
VálaszTörlésYou are absolutely right. I began this exercise on monday and I could do only one rep :-), and the most interesting thing is that the day after it I had muscle fever :-)))
I hardly believe it from one rep :-) . I think it's a very good exercise, but I have to go slowly on this road, because I don't want any injury